Never before have we witnessed such a technological moment in our lives, it seems that everything comes down to a click at the fingertips or the blink of an eye, we can relate, study, buy, interact or simply chat.
When leafing through a magazine (ops! Not leafing through, opening it) we come across thousands of pieces of information covering technological topics. The current trend is social media management, star ups, blogs, interactivity, objective and open opinions. No brand wants to stay out of this wave, and nor should it, new departments and functions emerge to monitor and research in an attempt to be on the crest of the wave.
But what do consumers really value?
Without a doubt, brands and products need to be seen to be remembered.
Being present in the sales channels and in the forms most accessed by your consumer is a sine qua non, but not everything comes down to that.
Recent research presented by the global trends website:
It presents what is really important to the consumer:
– When 1,620 consumers were tested under laboratory conditions, 63% said they felt an increase in heart rate when they thought about receiving excellent customer service.
– For 53% of the people tested, who received a great service, it triggered the same brain reactions as the feeling of being loved.
– In 2013, 66% of consumers switched brands or businesses due to poor customer service, an increase of 4% compared to the previous year. Around 82% of the people who switched said the brand could have done something to stop them.
No matter how accessible and visible your brand and products are, the great value perceived by the consumer is related to the people who serve them, the emotions associated with the brand are intrinsically related to people.
We are all consumers and no matter how much we love a brand, the relationship is affected when we receive poor service, few are those who overlook and forgive and return to consume, the vast majority register and express to other consumers that they have nothing to argue in defense before a bad service.
Balance your company's investments and know that no wave surpasses the importance of services performed by people.
We know how important it is to know your consumer, invest in marketing, but just as important is investing in your team. Numerous surveys show that satisfied and engaged employees produce more and are loyal, and these characteristics are not associated with higher remuneration, a five-star benefits plan or even achievable goals, they are linked to effective leadership, personal recognition, principles and sustainable and social activities, open and horizontal communication and mainly mutual respect.
At the pinnacle of technology, doing things differently is the sincerity of a smile, an honest handshake and the desire to establish relationships.

Alessandra Rech Tortelli is CEO of Conex Negócios, graduated in Administration and has an MBA in Retail Management, Franchise Management and Omnichannel Retail. She worked as an internal consultant and manager of large companies, such as: Tintas Renner, Arezzo, Portobello Shop, Mormaii, Confecções Brandili, etc., in 2010 she founded Conex Negócios, a consultancy company focused on Structuring and Expansion of Companies, she is also a speaker, teacher and creator of the startup ConexHub. Alessandra loves challenges and being connected with entrepreneurs, promoting exchanges, experiences and knowledge. She believes that we are all interconnected, that the challenge of one is the challenge of all!