Grupo De Pessoas Diversas Tendo Uma Reuniao De Negocios

Business structuring: the key to results management

Grupo De Pessoas Diversas Tendo Uma Reuniao De Negocios

Business structuring


A business structuring It is the way to professionalize business management and thus achieve better results.

After all, in an increasingly competitive scenario, effective management is the key to the success of any enterprise. Therefore, one of the essential strategies for achieving solid results management is the appropriate structuring of the business.

Within this article, we will explore how this structuring can be the way to achieve consistent and sustainable results.

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Strategic planning

Structuring begins with solid strategic planning. This involves clearly defining what the business objectives are: identifying the target audience, analyzing the competition and thus establishing a well-designed action plan.

In this way, a strategic plan will serve as a guide for all company operations, guiding daily decisions towards the results that managers want to achieve.

Internal organization in business structuring

A well-designed organizational structure is essential for effective management, but what does it include?

It includes the appropriate allocation of human resources, as well as defining responsibilities and creating an efficient communication flow.

A well-structured company knows how to allocate its human capital, facilitates communication, minimizes internal conflicts, as well as improving operational efficiency and allowing its employees to focus on their specific tasks.

Cost and revenue analysis

Here we will mention a crucial part of results management: the constant analysis of costs and revenues. Structuring a business aims to implement solid financial control systems. With this, it is possible to identify areas of waste, as well as optimize investments and maximize the return on investment.

Process Definition

Employee productivity is optimized when there is a clear understanding from start to finish of processes, responsible parties, deadlines and deliveries.

Control of Performance and Quality Indicators (OKRs)

The company's macro objectives are divided into smaller objectives. These objectives need to have appropriate goals, such as deadlines, percentages or results to be achieved in short periods: daily, weekly and monthly. Some widely used performance indicators that I suggest implementing in your business:

  • Average Ticket: Average value of purchases made by customers per seller or sales channel, in a given period;
  • Product per Service: the number of items purchased;
  • Usage (%): Percentage of customers who visited your store x percentage of purchasing customers, by seller or sales channel;
  • CAC: Customer Acquisition Cost. You will understand that it is much more expensive to acquire a new customer than to retain one;
  • LTV (Life Time Value): Lifetime of a customer interacting with your brand. Example: 70% of Iphone users don't even consider another brand.


Adaptability and scalability in business structuring

A well-thought-out business structure must be flexible and scalable. As the company grows, the structure must be able to accommodate this expansion without major disruptions. By having this adaptability, it is possible for the company to adjust to changes in the market and also in economic conditions that are variable. In a world that is constantly changing, especially technologically, it is very important for the company to monitor trends and competition to be able to stay ahead and easily adapt to new developments.

Regulatory compliance

Proper structuring also involves complying with government and tax regulations. This way, we avoid fines and legal problems that could harm the company. In other words, remaining in compliance with regulatory laws is essential for solid results management and a positive business reputation internally and externally.

In summary, structuring a business plan is essential to achieve effective results management. It involves strategic planning, internal organization, financial analysis, adaptability and regulatory compliance. Companies that invest time and resources in structuring their businesses are in a better position to achieve consistent and sustainable results in the long term. Don't underestimate the power of a solid structure, this is and will always be the foundation for lasting business success.

In a structured company, employees and leadership have more satisfaction when working, as the work flows, and you as a businessman don't need to be putting out fires all the time or rushing through operations, without being able to focus on results. But don't imagine that at this time of structuring your company will manage itself, fantasy! It still needs a lot of you for implementation and control. If it is well structured, it will be easier to implement process automation. But that’s a topic for the next text! I'm waiting for you.

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