Strategic planning

This quote reflects the profile of the entrepreneur who did not carry out strategic planning:

“For those who don’t know where they’re going, any path will do…”

Do you know how to answer:
– Where does the business want to go?
– How do you want to be seen?
– Who is the customer and what is their profile?
– How many customers can you serve?
– What size will the company be?
– When will the investment return?

Make your company different from others on the market
Deliver value to your audience
Understand business priorities
Have financial control


    Your company must identify stakeholders, know their needs and expectations and design communication and relationship strategies.
    Set of principles that serve as a guide for the behavior and attitudes of people involved in the organization.
    Vision: where the company wants to go
    Mission: what your company delivers
    Purpose: what difference the company makes in society
    Values: these are the pillars of the business
    Another important step in strategic planning is to carry out a SWOT analysis. This term comes from English and the acronym refers to strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
    From this study, you will be able to focus on your strengths, recognize weaknesses, find opportunities and prevent threats.
    We build the strategic map using the Balanced Scorecard methodology, which is based on four pillars:

Financial perspective
It deals with the company's profitability and productivity results.

Market perspective
It refers to the value proposition that the company wants to deliver to customers such as satisfaction, market share, customer return rate, etc.

Internal processes
It deals with the most varied internal performance indicators, such as TM – average ticket, customer satisfaction, PA – product per service, cart abandonment rate…

Its main indicators refer to satisfaction, motivation, training and retention of the workforce, sharing of best practices, etc.

The four perspectives are related

To obtain better results in financial indicators, it is necessary to obtain good performance with customers;

To achieve good performance with customers, it is necessary to have excellent efficiency in internal processes, as it is through them that the value proposition for customers is developed;

Finally, for excellent operational efficiency, the company's skills and information systems must be developed, as the processes are developed and executed by the organization's own people.

Check out the box to see how the following objectives can be outlined using the Balanced Scorecard methodology.

  • Strategic objectives
    Results that the organization intends to achieve to achieve the vision.
  • Strategic indicators
    Strategy measurers.
  • Goals
    To help us set goals in a structured way, there is a method created and named by Peter Drucker, one of the great names in administration, called Management by Objectives Theory, or, as it is better known, SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Temporable.


After defining the strategies, objectives and goals, the actions on how they will be achieved are detailed.

We are a hub of professionals!

After more than 10 years of experience, we managed to structure a team of excellent professionals to meet all the needs of a project, with the guarantee of Conex Negócios. We have qualified professionals to meet demands in the following areas:


Digital marketing



Visual Merchandising

Human Resources



Cafe cultura

What our customers say

We at Cookie Stories found a great partner in Conex. Very inspiring and great advisors! The Conex team has always supported and guided us, proving that we are on the right path, that our mission and values will always follow a beautiful journey. And so, now we can share our success and how we do it with confidence and determination.

Rafael, Camila e Júlio

Rafael, Camila and Julio

Cookie Stories

After much analysis and customer requests, we chose to expand via Franchises! It wasn't an easy decision, we were afraid of how our brand and business would look in other hands. Conex Negócios came to bring us security and knowledge of the sector. We started services in October 2013 and in May 2014 we had the first franchise opened. The Consultants developed and implemented the project together with the team, so we decided on the strategies together and learned how to do it.

Luciana Roberto de Melo

Luciana Roberto de Melo

Owner @ Café Cultura

Among the actions carried out by Conex Negócios are research with franchisees and consumers, implementation of marketing, franchise consultancy, financial, commercial and visual merchandising areas, in addition to reviewing the project x costs x return on investment. As a result, it was responsible for the opening of 05 new units, 09 architectural renovations, an increase of 16% in the network's gross sales and an increase of 22% in the collection of royalties. We confirm your competence and honesty!

Marco Aurélio Raymundo

Marco Aurélio Raymundo

President @ Mormaii
Alessandra Tortelli
Alessandra Rech Tortelli is CEO of Conex Negócios, graduated in Administration and has an MBA in Retail Management, Franchise Management and Omnichannel Retail. She worked as an internal consultant and manager of large companies, such as: Tintas Renner, Arezzo, Portobello Shop, Mormaii, Confecções Brandili etc., in 2010 she founded Conex Negócios, a consultancy company focused on Structuring and Expansion of Companies, she is also a speaker, teacher and creator of the startup ConexHub. Alessandra loves challenges and being connected with entrepreneurs, promoting exchanges, experiences and knowledge. She believes that we are all interconnected, that the challenge of one is the challenge of all!

mentoring training certification    fgv    espm


Metodologia 01

Stakeholder research and analysis


Project management and control in the Monday system


In-person and online development through training


Implementation and monitoring of OKRs


Monitoring and guidance in project implementation


Final corrections


Presentation and delivery

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