Once again, technology has shown that companies need to adapt to their markets, and not the other way around. The Internet has made your brand's visibility easier, whereas before you would have spent a lot of money on advertisements and campaigns or on total dependence on intermediaries to publicize and sell your services and products. Through the Internet, with just one click, your consumer can enter your home.
But information technology didn't stop there, when accessing your company the customer wants to know more, who you are, what you do cool, and what you get out of it. Social networks helped a lot in this context, they defined tribes, profiles, communicated beyond the product and the brand, showed an interactive customer looking for more. Now that the customer already knows your product or service, identifies with it, likes it and recommends it, they want to know how to find it.
A little nostalgic, I remember well my professional initiation into the Franchise system, in 1993, in a large company in the Civil Construction segment. When we opened a Franchise, all sales points established in more than 50 years of the brand's history had to be closed, that was the rule, currently this would not happen! I also remember the friction generated in some franchise networks when the company that owned the brand opened its e-commerce.
Currently, Multichannel is a need imposed by the customer, he wants to find his favorite brand wherever he wants: e-commerce, mobile-commerce, brand stores (own or franchises, he doesn't know), Multi-brands, events, and finally, consume at the moment whatever you want.
Before embarking on a multichannel strategy, analyze your company's Strategic Planning:
- Do you know what your customer’s profile and consumption habits are?
- Can the same logistics system serve multiple channels?
- Does it have productive potential to grow?
- What is the best IT system that meets your needs?
- How is the channel you currently sell?
- At what price will the product reach these channels?
So that the plan does not backfire, and instead of increasing your customer base you lose current customers, define a clear and accessible commercial policy. Don't forget that all efforts and investments between channels must prioritize the customer, keeping them at the center of attention!

Alessandra Rech Tortelli is CEO of Conex Negócios, graduated in Administration and has an MBA in Retail Management, Franchise Management and Omnichannel Retail. She worked as an internal consultant and manager of large companies, such as: Tintas Renner, Arezzo, Portobello Shop, Mormaii, Confecções Brandili, etc., in 2010 she founded Conex Negócios, a consultancy company focused on Structuring and Expansion of Companies, she is also a speaker, teacher and creator of the startup ConexHub. Alessandra loves challenges and being connected with entrepreneurs, promoting exchanges, experiences and knowledge. She believes that we are all interconnected, that the challenge of one is the challenge of all!