Conex Negócios

Who is Conex Negócios?

Anyone who knows retail knows that yesterday has passed and tomorrow is ephemeral. Conex Negócios was born like this, just like Retail, dynamic, sensitive and full of alternatives!

Just like fashion, retail sets trends, in all sectors, starting from clothing and reaching architecture, engineering, food, as a consequence, it indirectly affects the development of the economy, politics and your business.
Being present in retail in person or online, through a direct channel, is essential for the future of your business.

This short introduction explains what Conex Negócios knows how to do: interpret, transform and innovate by connecting your business to a world of possibilities!

We are a team of experienced professionals, specialized in the following segments: legal, finance, architecture and marketing.

We combine all the tools, with knowledge, responsibility and ethics to achieve your objective and make your dream come true.


Conex Business